Monday, February 27, 2023

How PRP Therapy Is Best for You?

"Hair Loss Treatment - How PRP Therapy Is Best for You? What Is PRP Therapy?"

1) What is PRP Therapy?

PRP stands for Platelet Rich Plasma. It's a new method used for treating Hair-fall and Skin Problems.

Platelets are rich in growth factors that can induce the growth of any cell, which may be hair root cells (papilla cells), or collagen cells (fibroblast)

PRP therapy is an emerging therapy for hair loss. PRP treatment triggers natural hair growth & maintains it by increasing blood supply to the hair follicles & increases the thickness of the hair.

2) How Is PRP Therapy Process?

PRP therapy is a three steps Process

Step 1:- Your 20 ml blood is drawn - typically from your own arm and put into a centrifuge a machine that separates the fluid into different densities.

Steps 2:- After 10 mins in the centrifuge, your blood is separated into three layers.

• Platelet Poor Plasma

• Platelet Rich Plasma

• Red Blood Cells

Steps 3:- Scalp is cleaned with antiseptic solutions. Just before therapy, local anesthesia may be given to make it compete painlessly. Then PRP is injected into the deep skin at hair roots by multiple pricks. This therapy is given every month for 4-6 months. Maintenance therapy can be taken every 3-6 months.

3) Duration of PRP Therapy? 30mins to 45 mins

4) Is PRP treatment for Hair Painful?

It might sound scary (Blood drawn & needles?) but for the most part, there is no real risk associated with PRP. "Most patients get injections with any numbness or pain. There is minimal discomfort.

5) Who can take PRP Therapy?

PRP is like an induction therapy means it induces hair growth. Theoretically, it should be effective for all types of hair loss. But commonly, it is given in male and female patterned baldness, after the hair transplant and alopecia areata.

6) Will PRP therapy be effective where I lost complete hair?

No, PRP therapy will improve the growth of existing hairs, it will increase the growing phase of hair, reduces hair fall, and reverses thinning which ultimately gives density.

7) When can I expect hair growth?

Initially, you will see improvement in hair fall, the visible changes can be seen after 4-6 months.

8) What are the side effects of PRP therapy?

Since your own blood is used in PRP so as such there are no severe side effects. Mild pain and pinpoint bleeding are common. An allergic test with local anesthesia should be done before therapy to avoid a reaction. Sometimes mild swelling may over the eyelids which resolve in 3-4 days.

9) Is PRP Permanent Treatment?

PRP is not necessarily a permanent or complete cure for hair loss. PRP treatment has the potential to stimulate the existing hair follicles which can, in turn, increase hair growth.

It is a long-lasting treatment.

10) Who Performs the PRP Procedure?

Only a Trained, skilled and experienced Hair Restoration Doctor can administer PRP Treatment.

11) What are other uses of this PRP?

• PRP therapy also helps in skin rejuvenation. The famous Vampire therapy is basically a PRP therapy.

12) PRP for Anti-Aging Process.

During the aging process, metabolism and hormone slow down making us fatter and more tired, our collagen production also slows down leading to wrinkles and cellulite. As a Homeopathic Doctor, there is a huge variety of amazing treatments and supplements that can help improve your health and really help reverse the signs of aging but for those unfamiliar with a natural mode of medicine, it might feel like units of Botox or a facelift are your only options when it comes to combating aging. In this blog, I wanted to introduce one of the many natural treatments that have been proven to actually increase your natural production of collagen and work with your body not against it to help rejuvenate your skin and keep you looking fabulous. The first treatment I would like to discuss is PRP.

• So what is PRP? PRP stands for Platelet Rich Plasma and has been used not only for aesthetic procedures but also for pain management treatments. The idea behind PRP is to use the natural components found in your blood, in this case, the plasma, to help stimulate your body's own ability to heal. There are many different ways in which PRP can be used aesthetically including Microneedling Facials as well as underneath the skin using a Microcannula.

PRP Therapy for Skin

A small amount of blood is drawn from you and placed in a sterile tube that is then spun down using a centrifuge. The centrifuge allows the components of your blood to separate. The red and white blood cells are divided into platelets and plasma. Once centrifuged, the plasma contains the highest concentration of platelets and is called platelet-rich plasma, PRP. The PRP is then placed or injected back into the skin and acts as a matrix that promotes your own collagen to grow as well as regenerates tissue thus leading to tightening of the skin. This skin tightening helps soften the appearance of wrinkles, creating a smoother skin texture and tone. The procedure itself is quickly taking between 15-30 minutes and is relatively painless and requires no post-procedure care or time off. Possible side effects include mild swelling, redness or bruising that typically fade within 1-3 days. The great benefit of using PRP is that because it comes from your blood it reduces your risk of reacting negatively to the procedure. This makes the procedure extremely safe but also very effective.

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