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Wart Removal: What You Need to Know About Them

Many people have warts and they know what causes them and how to get rid of them.

So we thought it would be a good idea to write this article to make people more aware of such situations.

What is a wart?

A wart is a small skin growth or a small lesion that can be induced by a microtrauma and can appear on almost any area of the body.

It is found on hands, elbows, knees, face, feet as well as genitals.

What are the types of warts?

Here are the 6 types, listed according to their clinical features:

Common Warts: These are scaly, usually seen on the hands and fingers (especially in children).

Flat Warts: Small, smooth warts that form in clusters on the face, legs, or back of the hands.

Filmy Warts: Spread around the eyes, face and neck.

Peri-nail and subungual warts: located on the periphery or under the nail (common in nail biters).

Genital warts (condylomata acuminata): They target the genitals

Remember that some warts can turn into cancer and some skin cancers can look like warts, so always ask your doctor to check for them.

Also, the earlier the wart is treated, it will be easier to destroy it - so don't delay the treatment.

What causes warts?

Seven different strains of HPV are known to be the main cause of warts. These viruses are naturally present on the skin, so when a person's immune system is weakened (by XP, a condition, or medication), they are at risk of exposure to the virus.

A simple cut is enough for the virus to enter the body and for the appearance of vulgar, flat or flat warts.

Avoid walking barefoot in public, as this is a practice that can increase your risk of developing warts.

Genital warts are a variety of warts that cause more serious problems, especially when they are most contagious. They are transmitted through direct sexual contact and may take several months to 1 month to appear.

Warts Symptoms/Symptoms and Complications

Warts are usually easy to identify by seeing or feeling them. They give signals to infected people in the form of visible abnormalities, bumps or any other strange changes in the skin.

Plantar warts and genital warts trigger more specific symptoms and are hot types to be concerned about:

Plantar Wart: Sometimes resembles a callus. Flat in appearance, they grow deep under the epidermis and can cause pain when you walk. They are yellow or brown in color and sometimes dotted with small dark brown nodules.

Genital warts: Often small and flat. They can be pink, white or grey. They sometimes have a cauliflower-like texture when grouped together.

These warts can develop on both the external and internal genitalia, including the anus, vagina, urethra, and cervix. Genital warts also occur in the groin if there is oral sex with an infected person.

Fortunately, most HPV infections do not turn into cancer. However, some strains of HPV have been linked to cervical cancer, vulvar cancer, anal cancer, and rarely penile cancer.

When complications do occur, it is often due to genital warts.

They can become heavy and interfere with the excretion of urine and even cause obstruction during delivery.

Sometimes, but rarely, it happens that a baby has warts in the throat, which is a laryngeal papillomatosis, if its mother has genital warts.

This is why it is important that women have regular vaginal smears, especially if they have HPV infection or genital warts.

Diagnosis of warts

If you notice any unusual growths, or irregular shapes, or skin changes - whether it's accompanied by itching, pain or bleeding.

You should make an appointment with your doctor. A quick physical exam by a doctor is usually enough to be able to diagnose warts.

A physical exam allows your doctor to distinguish a wart from other skin disorders such as moles, calluses, corns, ticks, or cancer.

To accurately diagnose genital warts, your doctor may take a tissue (biopsy). Available laboratory analysis methods are useful in diagnosing specific strains of HPV and determining whether the infection is likely to develop into cancer.

Usually people get a mole on the scalp and they think it is a wart so it is very important to find out whether it is a skin wart or wart before starting any treatment.

Treatment of warts - removal

 Your doctor will determine which treatment is best for your type of wart.

In case of common warts,

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